Science Publications

Refereed Publications



Durden, J. M., Clare, M. A., Vad, J., & Gates, A. R. (2023). First in-situ monitoring of sponge response and recovery to an industrial sedimentation event. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 191, 114870. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114870 


Biede V, Gates AR, Pfeifer S, Collins JE, Santos C and Jones DOB (2022) Short-Term Response of Deep-Water Benthic Megafauna to Installation of a Pipeline Over a Depth Gradient on the Angolan Slope. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:880453. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.880453 3


Gates, A. R., Durden, J. M., Richmond, M. D., Muhando, C. A., Khamis, Z. A., Jones, D. O. B. (2021) Ecological considerations for marine spatial management in deep-water Tanzania. Ocean and Coastal Management. 210. 105703.

Horton, T., Marsh, L., Bett, B. J., Gates, A. R., Jones, D. O. B., Benoist, N. M. A., Pfeifer, S., Simon-Lledó, E., Durden, J., Vandepitte, L., Appeltans, W. (2021) Recommendations for the standardisation of open taxonomic nomenclature for image-based identifications. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:620702. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.620702



McLean, D.L., Parsons, M.J., Gates, A.R., Benfield, M.C., Bond, T., Booth, D.J., Bunce, M., Fowler, A.M., Harvey, E.S., Macreadie, P.I., Pattiaratchi, C.B., Rouse, S., Partridge, J.C., Thomson, P.G., Todd, V.L.G., Jones, D.O.B. (accepted) Enhancing the Scientific Value of Industry Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) in our Oceans. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00220

Vad, J., Kazanidis, G., Henry, L.-A., Jones, D. O. B., Gates, A. R., Roberts, J. M. (2020) Environmental controls and anthropogenic impacts on deep-sea sponge grounds in the Faroe-Shetland Channel, NE Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77: 451-461. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsz185



Gates, A. R., Serpell-Stevens, A., Chandler, C., Horton, T., Grange, L. J., Robert, K., Bevan, A., Jones, D. O. B. (accepted) Ecological role of an offshore industry artificial structure. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00675 .

Levin LA, Bett BJ, Gates AR, Heimbach P, Howe BM, Janssen F, McCurdy A, Ruhl HA, Snelgrove P, Stocks KI, Bailey D, Baumann-Pickering S, Beaverson C, Benfield MC, Booth DJ, Carreiro-Silva M, Colaço A, Eblé MC, Fowler AM, Gjerde KM, Jones DOB, Katsumata K, Kelley D, Le Bris N, Leonardi AP, Lejzerowicz F, Macreadie PI, McLean D, Meitz F, Morato T, Netburn A, Pawlowski J, Smith CR, Sun S, Uchida H, Vardaro MF, Venkatesan R and Weller RA (2019) Global Observing Needs in the Deep Ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:241. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00241

Jones, D. O. B., Gates, A. R., Huvenne, V. A. I., Phillips, A. B., Bett, B. J. (2019) Autonomous marine environmental monitoring: application in decommissioned oil fields. Science of the Total Environment. 668: 835–853. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.310



Thomson PG, Fowler AM, Davis AR, Pattiaratchi CB and Booth DJ (2018) Some Old Movies Become Classics – A Case Study Determining the Scientific Value of ROV Inspection Footage on a Platform on Australia’s North West Shelf. Frontiers in Marine Science. 5:471. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00471

Kupchik, M.J., Benfield, M.C., Sutton, T.T., 2018. The First In Situ Encounter of Gigantura chuni (Giganturidae: Giganturoidei: Aulopiformes: Cyclosquamata: Teleostei), with a Preliminary Investigation of Pair-Bonding. Copeia, 641-645.

Fowler, A., Jørgensen, A.-M., Svendsen, J., Macreadie, P., Jones, D. O. B., Boon, A., Booth, D., Brabant, R., Callahan, E., Claisse, J., Dahlgren, T., Dokken, Q., Johns, D., Leewis, R., Lindeboom, H., May, R., Murk, A., Ottersen, G., Schroeder, D., Shastri, S., Teilmann, J., Todd, V., Van Hoey, G., Vanaverbeke, J., Coolen, J. (accepted) Environmental benefits of leaving offshore infrastructure in the ocean. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Macreadie, P., McLean, D., Thomson, P., Partridge, J., Jones, D. O. B., Gates, A., Benfield, M., Collin, S., Booth, D., Smith, L., Techera, E., Skropeta, D., Horton, T., Pattiaratchi, C., Bond, T., Fowler, A. (2018) Eyes in the sea: unlocking the mysteries of the ocean using industrial, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). Science of the Total Environment. 634:1077-1091. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.049

Vad, J., Kazanidis, G., Henry, L-A., Jones, D. O. B., Tendall, O., Christiansen, S., Henry, T., Roberts, J. M. (accepted) Potential impacts of offshore oil and gas activities on deep-sea sponges and the habitats they form. Advances in Marine Biology. DOI: 10.1016/bs.amb.2018.01.001

Dams, B., Blenkinsopp, C. E., Jones, D. O. B. (2018) Behavioural modification of local hydrodynamics by asteroids enhances reproductive success. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 501:16–25. DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2017.12.020



Gates, A. R., Benfield, M. C., Booth, D. J., Fowler, A. M., Skropeta, D., Jones, D. O. B. (2017) Deep-sea observations at hydrocarbon drilling locations: Contributions from the SERPENT Project after 120 field visits. Deep-sea Research II, 137 :463-479. DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.07.011

Gates, A.R. Morris, K.J., Jones, D.O.B. Sulak, K.J. (2017) An association between a cusk eel (Bassozetus sp.) and a black coral (Schizopathes sp.) in the deep western Indian Ocean, Marine Biodiversity, 47:(3)971-977. DOI: 10.1007/s12526-016-0516-z Full text:



Jones, D. O. B. and Pugh, P. R. (2016) First sighting of a siphonophore of the genus Bathyphysa from the South Atlantic. Marine Biodiversity. DOI: 10.1007/s12526-016-0611-1

Cordes, E. E., Jones, D. O. B., Schlacher, T. A., Amon, D. J., Bernadino, A. F., Bett, B. J., Brooke, S., Carney, R., DeLeo, D. M., Dunlop, K. M., Escobar-Briones, E. G., Gates, A. R., Génio, L., Gobin, J., Henry, L., Herrera, S., Hoyt, S., Joye, S., Kark, S., Mestre, N. C., Metaxas, A., Pfeifer, S., Sink, K., Sweetman, A. K., Witte, U. F. (in press) Environmental impacts of the deep-water oil and gas industry: a review to guide management strategies. Frontiers in Environmental Science. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2016.00058

Buhl-Mortensen, L., Tandberg, H. S., Buhl-Mortensen, P. & Gates, A. R. (2016). Behaviour and habitat of Neohela monstrosa (Boek, 1861) (Amphipoda: Corophiida) in Norwegian Sea deep water. Journal of Natural History, 50: 323-337. DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2015.1062152



Phillips, N. D., Harrod, C., Gates, A. R., Thys, T. M. and J. D. R. Houghton (2015). Seeking the sun in deep, dark places: mesopelagic sightings of ocean sunfishes (Molidae). Journal of Fish Biology 87 (4) 1118-1126. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12769

Moore, A. B. M. & Gates, A. R. (2015). Deep-water observation of scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewini in the western Indian Ocean off Tanzania. Marine Biodiversity Records, 8, e91. DOI: 10.1017/S1755267215000627

Main, C. E., Ruhl, H. A., Jones, D. O. B., Yool, A., Thornton, B., Mayor, D. J. (2015) Hydrocarbon contamination affects deep-sea benthic oxygen uptake and microbial community composition. Deep-Sea Research I. DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2014.12.008

Fowler, A.M., Macreadie, P.I., Booth, D.J., 2015. Should we “reef” obsolete oil platforms? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (2): E102. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1422274112

Fowler, A.M., Macreadie, P.I., Bishop, D.P., Booth, D.J., 2015. Using otolith microchemistry and shape to assess the habitat value of oil structures for reef fish. Marine Environmental Research 106: 103-113. DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2015.03.007



Jones, D. O. B., Walls, A., Clare, M., Fiske, M. S., Weiland, R. J., O'Brien, R., Touzel, D. F. (2014) Asphalt mounds and associated biota on the Angolan margin. Deep-Sea Research I. 94: 124-136. DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2014.08.010

Higgs, N. D., Gates, A. R., Jones, D. O. B. (2014) Fish Food in the Deep Sea: Revisiting the Role of Large Food-Falls. PLoS ONE 9(5):e96016. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096016

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Pradella, N., Fowler, A.M., Booth, D.J., Macreadie, P.I. (2014) Fish assemblages associated with oil industry structures on the continental shelf of north-western Australia. Journal of Fish Biology 84, 247-255. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12274

Fowler, A. M., Macreadie, P. I., Jones, D. O. B., Booth, D. J. (2014) A multi-criteria decision approach to decommissioning of offshore oil and gas infrastructure. Ocean and Coastal Management. 87:20-29. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2013.10.019



Hoving, H. J. T., Zeidberg, L. D., Benfield, M. C., Bush, S. L., Robison, B. H., Vecchione, M. (2013) First in situ observations of the deep-sea squid Grimalditeuthis bonplandi reveal unique use of tentacles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 280(1769). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2013.1463

Valentine, M. M., Benfield, M. C. (2013) Characterization of epibenthic and demersal megafauna at Mississippi Canyon 252 shortly after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 77(1–2):196-209. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.10.004

Benfield, M. C., Cook, S., Sharuga, S., Valentine, M. M. (2013) Five in situ observations of live oarfish Regalecus glesne (Regalecidae) by remotely operated vehicles in the oceanic waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Fish Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12144

Jones, D. O. B., Mrabure, C. and Gates, A. R. (2013) Changes in deep-water epibenthic megafaunal assemblages in relation to seabed slope on the Nigerian margin. Deep-Sea Research I. 78:49-57. DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2013.04.005



Fowler, A.M., Booth, D.J. (2012) Evidence of sustained populations of a small reef fish on artificial structures. Does depth affect production on artificial reefs? Journal of Fish Biology 80, 613-629. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12274

Gates, A. R. and Jones, D. O. B. (2012) Recovery of benthic megafauna from anthropogenic disturbance at a hydrocarbon drilling well (380 m depth in the Norwegian Sea). PLOS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044114

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Jones, D. O. B., Gates, A. R. and Lausen, B. (2012) Recovery of deep-water megafaunal assemblages from hydrocarbon drilling disturbance in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 461:71-82. DOI: 10.3354/meps09827

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Jones, D. O. B. and Brewer, M. E. (2012) Response of megabenthic assemblages to different scales of habitat heterogeneity on the Mauritanian Slope. Deep-Sea Research Part I. 67:98-110. DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2012.05.006

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Gates, A. R., Jones, D. O. B., Cartes, J. E. (2012) In situ video observations of benthic megafauna and fishes from the deep eastern Mediterranean Sea off Egypt. African Journal of Marine Science, 34(2): 215-222. DOI: 10.2989/1814232X.2012.675121

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Hirai, J. & Jones, D. O. B. (2012) The temporal and spatial distribution of krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) at the deep seabed of the Faroe-Shetland Channel, UK: a potential mechanism for rapid carbon flux to deep sea communities. Marine Biology Research, 8(1):48-60.

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Jones, D. O. B., Cruz-Motta, J. J., Bone, D, Kaariainen, J. I. (2012) Effects of oil drilling activity on the deep-water megabenthos of the Orinoco fan, Venezuela. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 92(2): 245–253. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315411001123



Martinez, I., Jones, E., Davie, S., Neat, F., Wigham, B. and Priede, I. (2011) Variability in behaviour of four fish species attracted to baited underwater cameras in the North Sea. Hydrobiologia, 670(1):23-34.

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Davis, M. P., Chakrabarty, P. (2011) Tripodfish (Aulopiformes: Bathypterois) locomotion and landing behaviour from video observation at bathypelagic depths in the Campos Basin of Brazil. Marine Biology Research 7:297-303.

Macreadie, P. I., Fowler, A. M., & Booth, D. J. (2011) Rigs-to-reefs: will the deep sea benefit from artificial habitat? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (e-View) doi:10.1890/100112

Cummings, D.O., Lee, R.W., Simpson, S.J., Booth, D.J., Pile, A.J., Holmes, S.P. (2011) Resource partitioning amongst co-occurring decapods on wellheads from Australia's North–West shelf. An analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 409, 186-193



Hughes, S. J. M., Jones, D. O. B., Hauton, C., Gates, A. R. & Hawkins, L. E. (2010) An assessment of drilling disturbance on Echinus acutus var. norvegicus based on in-situ observations and experiments using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 395(1-2): 37-47.

Benfield, M.C. and W.M. Graham. (2010) In situ observations of Stygiomedusa gigantea in the Gulf of Mexico with a review of its global distribution and habitat. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, In Press.



Benfield M.C., Caruso J. H., & Sulak K. J. (2009) In Situ Video Observations of Two Manefishes (Perciformes: Caristiidae) in the Mesopelagic Zone of the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Copeia. 4:637–641.
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Lebrato, M. & Jones, D. O. B. (2009) Mass deposition event of Pyrosoma atlanticum carcasses off Ivory Coast (West Africa). Limnology and Oceanography. 54(4):1197–1209.
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Thomson, M., Robertson, K., Pile, A. (2009) Microscopic structure of the antennulae and antennae on the deep sea isopod Bathynomus pelor. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 29:301-315.

Jones, D. O. B., Bett, B. J., Wynn, R. B. and Masson, D. G. (2009) The use of towed camera platforms in deep-water science. Underwater Technology. 28(2): 41 - 50.

Jones, D. O. B. (2009) Using existing industrial remotely operated vehicles for deep-sea science. Zoologica Scripta. 38 (S1): 41 - 47.
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Skropeta, D. (2008) Deep Sea Natural Products. Natural Products Reports. 25: 1131 - 1166.
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Andrews, G. O., Simpson, S. J., Pile, A. J. (2008) New method for presenting nutritionally defined food sources to marine organisms. Limnology and Oceanography. Methods 6: 299–306.
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Benfield, M.C., Thompson, B.A. and Caruso, J.H. (2008) The second report of a sleeper shark (Somniosus (Somniosus) sp.) from the bathypelagic waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Bulletin of Marine Science, 82(2): 195–198, 2008



Jones, D. O. B., Bett, B. J. and Tyler, P. A. (2007) Megabenthic ecology of the deep Faroe-Shetland Channel: a photographic study. Deep-Sea Research Part I. 54: 1111-1128.

Jones, D. O. B., Wigham, B. D., Hudson, I. R. and Bett, B. J. (2007) Anthropogenic disturbance of deep-sea megabenthic communities a study with Remotely Operated Vehicles (Faroe-Shetland Channel, NE Atlantic). Marine Biology. 151: 1731-1741.
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Jones, D. O. B., Hudson, I. R. and Bett, B. J. (2006) Effects of physical disturbance on the cold-water megafaunal communities of the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 319: 43-54.
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Staudigel, H., Hart, S. R., Pile, A. J., Bailey, B. E., Baker, E. T., Brooke, S., Connelly, D. P., Haucke, L., German, C. R., Hudson, I. R., Jones, D. O. B., Koppers, A. A. P., Konter, J. G., Lee, R., Pietsch, T. W., Tebo, B. M., Templeton, A. S., Zierenberg, R., Young, C. M. (2006) Vailulu'u Seamount, Samoa: Life and death on an active submarine volcano. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 103: 6448-6453.


Hudson, I. R, Jones, D. O. B, and Wigham, B. D. (2005) A review of the uses of work-class ROVs for the benefits of science: Lessons learned from the SERPENT project. Underwater Techology, International Journal of the Society for Underwater Technology Vol 26 No 3.
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Hudson, I. R, Wigham, B. D. and Tyler P. A. (2004). The feeding behaviour of deep-sea holothurians based on in situ observations and experiments using a Remotely Operated Vehicle. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 301: 75-91.
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Laurenson, C, Hudson, I. R, Jones, D. O. B, Priede, I. G. (2004) Deepwater observations of monkfish, Lophius piscatorius, in the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean by means of a remotely operated vehicle. Journal of Fish Biology. 65: 947-960.


Hudson, I. R and Wigham, B. D. (2003). In situ observations of the predatory feeding behaviour of the galatheid squat lobster Munida sarsi using a remotely operated vehicle. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the U.K. 83: 463-464.
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Other Publications


Booth, D., Fowler, A. (2014) Making Difficult Decisions. Oilfield Technology, November 2014.

Gates, A.R. (2014) SERPENT Cachalote report: The effects of drilling disturbance offshore Mozambique. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, 64pp. (National Oceanography Centre Research and Consultancy Report, 44)


Gates, A.R. (2013) Whirlwind recovery SERPENT report. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, 64pp. (National Oceanography Centre Research and Consultancy Report, 30)

Gates, A.R. (2013) SERPENT Lavani report. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, 83pp. (National Oceanography Centre Research and Consultancy Report, 31)

Gates, A.R. (2013) SERPENT Zafarani report. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, 85pp. (National Oceanography Centre Research and Consultancy Report, 32)


Jones, D. O. B., Mrabure, C. & Gates, A. R. (2011) Using industrial remotely operated vehicles in stand-by time for deep-water biodiversity assessment: a case study from offshore Nigeria. Proceedings of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 30 October–2 November 2011. SPE 146439

Lebrato, M. & Jones, D. O. B (2011) Expanding the oceanic carbon cycle: Jellyfish biomass in the biological pump. Biochemist. June 2011

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Gates, A.R. and Jones, D.O.B. (2011) Statoil Kiwi SERPENT report. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre, 36pp. (National Oceanography Centre Research and Consultancy Report, 10)

Jones, D.O.B. and Kröger, K. (2011) Lagavulin SERPENT report. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre, 54pp. (National Oceanography Centre Research and Consultancy Report, 09)

Kröger, K., Jones, D.O.B. and Gates, A.R. (2011) Dalsnuten SERPENT report. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre, 138pp. (National Oceanography Centre Research and Consultancy Report, 08)

Gates, A.R., Kröger, K. and Jones, D.O.B. (2011) Lancaster and Whirlwind SERPENT report. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre, 62pp. (National Oceanography Centre Research and Consultancy Report, 07)

Gates, A. R., Jones, D. O. B., Benfield, M., Roterman, C.N., Kröger, K., et al (2011) SERPENT Cruise Reports 2008-2010. National Oceanography Centre Cruise Report No. 02. 509pp.


Jones, D. O. B. and Gates, A. R. (2010) Deep-sea life of Scotland and Norway. Ophiura press, UK. ISBN 978-0-9565832-0-8.

Updates to this book

Jones, D. O. B. & Gates, A. R. (2010) Assessing The Effects Of Hydrocarbon Drilling Activity on Deep-Water Megafauna In The Northern North Atlantic. A Rapid Universal Assessment Method? Proceedings of the SPE International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment, 12–14 April 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. SPE 126841

Gates, A. R. & Jones, D. O. B. (2010) Haklang SERPENT visit report Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 29pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, No. 72)

Gates, A. R. & Jones, D. O. B. (2010) Asterix SERPENT visit report Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 49pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, No. 73)

Gates, A. R. & Jones, D. O. B. (2010) Cashel SERPENT visit report. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 35pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, No. 74)

Jones, D. O. B. & Gates, A. R. (2010) Chevron Rosebank North SERPENT final report. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 35pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, No. 75)

Jones, D. O. B. & Gates, A. R. (2010) Total Akpo Nigeria SERPENT report. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 21pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, No. 76)

Jones, D. O. B. & Gates, A. R. (2010) Total Usan Nigeria SERPENT biodiversity survey report. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 96pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, No. 77)

Gates, A. R. & Jones, D. O. B. (2010) Lancaster SERPENT visit report. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 71pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, No. 78)

Jones, D. O. B., Roterman, C. N. & Gates, A. R. (2010) Shell Gro SERPENT final report. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 42pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, No. 79)

Jones, D. O. B. & Gates, A. R. (2010) Shell South Uist SERPENT final report. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 37pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, No. 80)

Jones, D. O. B., Roterman, C. N. & Gates, A. R. (2010) Chevron Rosebank SERPENT final report Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 48pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, No. 81)

Jones, D. O. B. & Gates, A. R. (2010) OMV Tornado SERPENT final report Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 84pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, No. 82)

Gates, A. R. & Jones, D. O. B (2010) Recovery at Morvin: SERPENT final report. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 74pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, No. 86)


Lebrato, M. and Jones, D.O.B. (2009). Mass deposition event of Pyrosoma atlanticum carcasses off Ivory Coast (West Africa). ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Nice (France).



Jones, D. O. B. (2008) Exploring the last uncharted realm. Explorers Journal. Winter 2008.

Gates, A.R., Jones, D.O.B., Benfield, M., Kaariainen, J.I. (2008) SERPENT Cruise Reports 2007. National Oceanography Centre, Southampton Cruise Reports Series No. 30. 158pp.

Jones, D. O. B., Park, I. F. J. & Gates, A. R.(2008) Techniques for Monitoring the Recovery of Deep, Cold-Water Habitats Following Physical Disturbance From Drilling Discharges. Proceedings of the SPE International Conference on Health, Safety, and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, 15-17 April 2008, Nice, France. 111629-MS.

Jones, D. O. B. (2008) Exploration of the Deep Reefs of Bonaire. Explorers Club Flag Report. 44.

Jones, D. O. B., Gates, A. R., & Kaariainen, J. (2008) Uranus SERPENT report. National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report; No. 35

Jones, D. O. B., Gates, A. R., & Kaariainen, J., (2008) Morvin SERPENT Report, National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report; No. 36

Jones, D. O. B., Gates, A. R., & Kaariainen, J. (2008) Edvarda SERPENT Report, National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report; No. 37

Jones, D. O. B., Gates, A. R., & Kaariainen, J. (2008) Brugdan SERPENT Report, National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report; No. 38

Jones, D. O. B., Gates, A. R., & Kaariainen, J. (2008) Tornerose SERPENT Report, National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report; No. 39

Jones, D. O. B. & Gates, A. R. (2008) Orca SERPENT Field Visit Report, National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report; No. 40

Gates, A. R., Jones, D. O. B.& Kaariainen, J. (2008) Orphan Basin SERPENT Final Report, National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report; No. 41

Gates, A. R., Jones, D. O. B.(2008) Midnattsol SERPENT visit report and initial presentation of results. National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report; No. 42



Jones, D. O. B., Hudson, I. R., Pile, A. J. & Young, C. M. (2007) High-resolution spatial variability in the megafauna of Vailulu’u seamount related to environmental controls. GeoHab: Marine Benthic Habitats Conference, Noumea, New Caledonia, 2-6 May 2007. Book of Abstracts.

Jones, D. O. B., Kaariainen, J. I., Maclaren, E. K., Robertson, K., Pile, A. J. and Hudson, I. R. (2007) SERPENT Cruise Reports July 2002 to December 2006. National Oceanography Centre, Southampton Cruise Report Series No. 17. 248 pp.

Guerin, A. J., Jensen, A. C. & Jones, D. O. B. (2007) Artificial reef properties of North Sea oil and gas production platforms. Oceans '07 Proceedings, Aberdeen, Scotland. 18-21 June 2007.



Jones, D. O. B., Hudson, I. R. & Bett, B. J. (2006). Knowledge transfer between deep-sea science and industry: Case studies from the DIEPS project. 11th International Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, 9-14 July 2006. Book of Abstracts. 124 pp.

Jones, D. O. B., Bett, B. J. & Tyler, P. A. (2006). Ecological controls on density and diversity of polar megabenthos. 11th International Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, 9-14 July 2006. Book of Abstracts. p 124.

Hudson, I. R. and Jones, D. O. B. (2005) SERPENT: Video and Images from Global Oil and Gas Operations. In: Charlesworth, M. E.(Ed) Marine and Coastal Photographs and Videos: their availability, uses and curation. Marine Environmental Data Action Group of the Inter-Agency Committee on Marine Science and Technology. Liverpool. Pages 6 - 7.
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Jones, D. O. B., Bett, B. J. and Tyler, P. A. (2005) Physical controls on diversity and abundance of polar megabenthos. 40th European Marine Biology Symposium 21-25 August 2005. Book of Abstracts. p 22.



Hudson, I. R., Putt, R, Wigham, B. D. and Young, S. Collaboration in Deep sea biodiversity-Expanding the value from E and P operations. (Accepted). J. Petrol Eng.
Download .pdf

Jones, D. O. B. and Hudson, I. R. (2004). In situ deepwater science onboard an offshore drilling installation. Underwater Contractor International.



Hudson, I. R, Horton, T, Billett, D. S. M, Young, S and Putt, R. (2003). Abstract. The benefits of Industrial Collaboration using Remotely Operated Vehicles. 6th Underwater Science Symposium, SUT, Aberdeen.


Publications featuring SERPENT data, samples or pictures


Miranda, L. S., Hirano, Y. M., Mills, C. E., Falconer, A., Fenwick, D., Marques, A. C., Collins, A. G., 2016. Systematics of stalked jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Staurozoa). PeerJ 4, e1951. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1951

Lebrato, M.; Andersson, A.J.; Ries, J.B.; Aronson, R.B.; Lamare, L.B.; Koeve, W.; Oschlies, A.; Iglesias-Rodriguez, M.D.; Thatje, S.; Amsler, M.; Vos, S.; Jones, D.O.B.; Ruhl, H.A.; Gates, A.R.; McClintock, J.B. (2016) Benthic calcifiers coexist with seawater-carbonate undersaturation at a global scale. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 30(7):1038-1053 doi: 10.1002/2015GB005260


Horton, T., Thurston, M.H. (2015) A revision of the genus Paracallisoma Chevreux, 1903 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Scopelocheiridae: Paracallisominae) with a redescription of the type species of the genus Paracallisoma and the description of two new genera and two new species from the Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa 3995 (1):91-132 DOI:


Mah, C. L., Foltz, D. W. (2014) New taxa and taxonomic revisions to the Poraniidae (Valvatacea; Asteroidea) with Comments on Feeding Biology. Zootaxa 3795(3):327-364.


Cárdenas, P., Rapp, H. T., Klitgaard, A. B., Best, M., Thollesson, M., Tendal, O. S. (2013) Taxonomy, biogeography and DNA barcodes of Geodia species (Porifera, Demospongiae, Tetractinellida) in the Atlantic boreo-arctic region. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. DOI: 10.1111/zoj.12056

Jamieson, A. J., Boorman, B. and Jones, D. O. B. (2013) Deep-Sea Sampling. In: Methods for the Study of Marine Benthos (Eds. A. Eleftheriou) 4th Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. ISBN: 978-0-632-05488-6. DOI: 10.1002/9781118542392.ch7


Lebrato, M., Pitt, K. A., Sweetman, A. K., Jones, D. O. B., Cartes, J. E. (2012) Jelly-falls historic and recent observations: a synthesis to drive future research directions. Hydrobiologia. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1046-8


Osborn, K.J., Madin, L.P., Rouse, G.W. (2011) The remarkable squidworm is an example of discoveries that await in deep-pelagic habitats. Biology Letters, 7(3):449-453. DOI:10.1098/rsbl.2010.0923

Lebrato, M., Pahlow, M., Oschlies, A., Pitt, K. A., Jones, D. O. B., Molinero, J-C. and Condon, R. H. (2011) Depth attenuation of organic matter export associated with jelly falls. Limnology & Oceanography, 56:1917-1928.


Schuchert, P. (2010) The European athecate hydroids and their medusae (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria): Capitata part 2. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 117(3):337-555.

Moore, S. W., Bohm, H and Jensen, V. (2010) Underwater robotics: science, design and fabrication. Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center. Canada. ISBN: 978-0-9841737-0-9

Hogg, M. M., Tendal, O. S., Conway, K. W., Pomponi, S. A., van Soest, R. W. M., Gutt, J., Krautter, M. and Roberts, J. M. (2010) Deep-sea sponge grounds: Reservoirs of biodiversity. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 32. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK. ISBN: 978-92-807-3081-4. Download report.

Lebrato, M., Iglesias-Rodriguez, D., Feely, R., Greeley, D., Jones, D. O. B., Suarez-Bosche, N., Lampitt, R., Cartes, J., Green, D., Alker, B. (2010) Global contribution of echinoderms to the marine carbon cycle: a re-assessment of the oceanic CaCO3 budget and the benthic compartments. Ecological Monographs. 80(3): 441-467.

Hoyoux, C. (2010) Research and characterization of chemosynthetic and/or digestive symbioses in crustaceans associated with sunken woods, a reducing environment in the deep-sea. PhD Thesis. Université de Liège, Belgium.


Koslow, T., 2007. The Silent Deep: The Discovery, Ecology, and Conservation of the Deep Sea. University Of Chicago Press, Chicago.


SERPENT students theses

PhD students


Main, Charlie (2015) Regional impacts of oil and gas activities. Ph.D., School of Ocean and Earth Sceince, University of Southampton.


Schuster, Hanna (2015) Effects of sedimentation disturbance on sponges. Ph.D., School of Ocean and Earth Sceince, University of Southampton.


Murty, Sarah (2010) Towards Deep-Sea Ecotoxicology: Experimental Approaches With Echinoids. Ph.D. Thesis, School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton.

Martinez, Inigo (2013) North Sea oil and gas production platforms as fish aggregation devices. Ph.D., Newcastle University.

Guerin, Andrew J. (2010) Artificial reef properties of North Sea oil and gas production platforms. Ph.D. Thesis, School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton.

Smith, Tania (2008) Sexual chemistry in the deep sea. Ph.D. Thesis, School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton.


Jones, Daniel O. B. (2005) Ecological controls on density, diversity and community structure in polar megabenthos. Ph.D. Thesis, School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton.


Hudson, Ian R. (2004) Deep-sea biology - food for thought? Examining dietary selection and resources allocation in deep-sea Holothurians. Ph.D. Thesis, School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton.


MSc students


Hambly, Kathryn (2015) Application of nematode functional groups and morphometric indicies to the study of disturbance from exploratory hydrocarbon drilling in the deep sea.


Robson, Emma (2014) Recovery of Epifauna and Habitat Heterogeneity at Hydrocarbon Drilling Wells in the North-East Atlantic


George, Harry (2013) Investigation of benthic assemblage recovery one year after oil drilling in the West of Shetland


Ward, Clare (2010) Effects of drill cuttings on biochemical storage products in the asteroid Porania pulvillus.

Hirai, Junya (2010) The temporal and spatial distribution of krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) at the deep seabed: a potential mechanism for rapid carbon flux to deep sea communities.

Yakub, S. N. Raedah H. (2010) The impact of oil and gas drilling activities in the deep Faroe-Shetland Channel.


Miller, Raeanne G. (2009) Investigating the community structure of scavenging amphipods for the Norwegian Sea and Faroe-Shetland Channel: a study of baited traps at oil drilling locations.


Januszewska, Marta (2008) The effects of disturbance on deep-water megafaunal assemblages – a meta-analysis.

Roteman, C. Nicolai (2008) Effect of disturbance on deep-water meiofaunal communities.

Gunnigle, Eoin (2008) Bioturbation from shallow to deep waters.


Pullen, Katie (2007) Effect of disturbance on deep-water meiofaunal communities at Tornerose, Barents Sea.


MOcean/MMBiol students


Papworth, Martyn (2009) Landscape scale effects of habitat on megafaunal communities in the Faroe-Shetland Channel.

Lebrato, Mario (2008) Mass deposition of Pyrosoma atlanticum as a food source for the deep sea.


Croxson, Chris (2007) Habitat variation in the Faroe-Shetland Channel.


Brewer, Mike (2006) ROV video analysis of zonation in a Mauritanian slope community.

Fletcher, Claire (2006) Effects of hydrocarbon drilling disturbance on Australian deep-water communities.


BSc students


Helen Smith (2008) An ecotoxicological study of drilling fluids used in the oil and gas industry on shallow and deep water crustaceans. (at University of Sydney, Australia).

Hannah Elstub (2008) The role of chemoreception in the detection of food in Cirolana harfordi and the implications of dispersal. (at University of Sydney, Australia).


Carolan, Joe (2007) Natural product chemistry from the Australian deep sea. (at University of Wollongong, Australia).

Cummings, David (2007) Nutritional ecology of sea urchins. (at University of Sydney, Australia).

Fowler, Ashley (2007) Connectivity between artificial reefs: the role of offshore installations . (at University of Technology, Sydney, Australia).


Andrews, Gareth (2006) An In Situ Examination into the Effects and Recovery of Drill Spoil Discharges on Deep-Sea Epibenthic Activity (in conjunction with University of Sydney, Australia).

Robertson, Katie (2006) Heat shock proteins as indicators of stress in marine organisms. (at University of Sydney, Australia).


Roberts, Paul (2005) Megafauna in proximity to BP Puma field, Gulf of Mexico.

Scott, Don (2005) Megafaunal biodiversity in the deep-waters off Ivory Coast.


BEng (Environmental) student


Kate Swain (2008) Sediment resuspension on continental shelves and slopes due to turbulence. (at University of Sydney, Australia)


Popular and Industry Publications



CBC Vancouver Smart Science coverage of Royal British Columbia Museum's collection uses SERPENT in situ video in article about Acanthonus armatus.


New Scientist, CNN and 9news articles about Bathyphysa conifera, an unusual siphonophore captured on video by an ROV team working off Angola

Shell article about SERPENT in the Gulf of Mexico


Offshore Technology report on some highlights of the SERPENT Project with a photo special

BBC coverage of Higgs et al PLoS ONE paper about food-falls in the deep sea

Gates, Andrew., Werre, Lodewijk. (2014) What lies beneath. BG Group Links Magazine.

An article on the BG website about SERPENT work in Tanzania



Hidden Depths: An exciting partnership between industry and academia shines a light on the undersea environment. Wireline: The magazine for the UK offshore oil and gas industry. Issue 26 - Winter 2013-2014.

Andrew Gates., (2013) Deep-sea exploration in the Indian Ocean. Maendelo p.8-9. BG East Africa Quarterly Newsletter July-September 2013



Schul, C. (2012) SERPENT Project. Oceaneering Worldwide Newsletter. Article about Andrew Gates' fieldwork offshore Tanzania.



Nature News. Article co-authored by Daniel Jones (SERPENT) and using SERPENT data is reported on Nature News. The article is about the “Global contribution of echinoderms to the marine carbon cycle: a re-assessment of the oceanic CaCO3 budget and the benthic compartments”.
Matt Kaplan
07 January2010



Qantas AIR Magazine. Ecology section. Deep & meaningful. Marine biologists and oil companies pool resources to explore the ocean’s depths – with surprising results. AIR is a premium magazine targeted at the top 1% of Quantas frequent fliers. Contains quotes by Adele Pile, Danielle Skropeta and David Booth.
Alan Deans
18 September 2009
Download .pdf

SERPENT Annual Report 2008
Curry, R. A., Jones, D. O. B., Gates, A. R., Benfield, M. and Thompson, M.
June 2009.
Download .pdf Pyrosome pump. The recent paper "Mass deposition event of Pyrosoma atlanticum carcasses off Ivory Coast (West Africa)" in Limnology and Oceanography by Dr Daniel Jones and Mario Lebrato is the subject of an article in the online edition of Nature.
Anna Armstrong
28 May 2009

Economist. Science & Technology section. Thaliaceans and the carbon cycle: The jelly cycle. The recent paper "Mass deposition event of Pyrosoma atlanticum carcasses off Ivory Coast (West Africa)" in Limnology and Oceanography by Dr Daniel Jones and Mario Lebrato is the subject of an article in both the web and print editions of the Economist.
21 May 2009

Beacon Magazine. GSF Jack Ryan Hosts First SERPENT Mission Offshore Nigeria. Summer 2009. Issue 2. The results of Dr Daniel Jones' visit to the Jack Ryan in Nigeria are highlighted.

FLIPSIDE. Issue 38. Dark World. An article about the SERPENT project and how it uses robots to undertake deep sea research. Also contains information about the new SERPENT Deep Seas Simulator. Flipside is a teenager-focussed subscription-only magazine aimed at schools and colleges around the world. It is produced by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) with funding from the National Endowment for Science, .
April 2009

E-Magazine. Eastern Airways in-flight magazine. "centrefold: BASKET STAR COLONY" and "see deep". Eastern Airways, with routes that cover the UK, France and Norway have printed their latest 2009 in-flight magazine which contains a three-page article by Dr Andrew Gates and Rob Curry about the SERPENT project. Eastern serves the public as well as oil industry employees. Printed and online versions available.
January 2009



Euro Photonics Magazine "Wildlife Imaging. Article about taking wildlife images - includes images by and text about the SERPENT project.
Connoly, C.
October/November 2008

NOCs News No.29 The newsletter of the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. "Boatshow success for Callista " SERPENT is featured on board the RV Callista at Southampton Boat Show.
October 2008
Download .pdf

NOCs News No.28 The newsletter of the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. "Serpent – Chevron
partnership" Article about the SERPENT visit to Chevron House in Aberdeen during Chevron Environment Week.
July 2008
Download .pdf

NOCs News No.25 The newsletter of the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. "European Business Award nomination for SERPENT" The SERPENT project was nominated for an EBA award.
June 2008
Download .pdf

Drilling Contractor magazine features an article by Transocean's Ian Hudson. "What does it take to be environmentally responsible in this industry?"
September/October 2008
Download .pdf

Making Waves International Marine Contractors Association newsletter features SERPENT article. Page 14.
May 2008.
Download .pdf

Oil & Gas Journal A peek at deepwater life.
Rach, N.M.
01 September 2008.

UT2 the Magazine of the Society for Underwater Technology, Serpentine gallery. 3, (2), 28-29.
Jones, D. O. B. and Gates, A. R.

SERPENT Annual Report 2007
Jones, D. O. B., Curry, R. A. and Gates, A. R.

Horizon the magazine for BP people. Closing the gulf of aquatic mystique.
Pages 36 – 37. (Pages 33 - 34 in text version).
Danker, S.
Issue 2 April 2008.
Download .pdf Download text version .pdf



EXTRA Well Informed Statoil Magazine.The Environmental Impact of Drilling Discharges - the SERPENT Project.
Aas, N.

Insight Chevron Upstream Europe Magazine. Subsea serpent scans the seabed.
Gates, A. R. and Jones, D.

Chevron Environmental Values Report Project SERPENT.
Gates, A. R. and Jones, D.

The BP Magazine Issue 3. Discoveries of the Deep. Pages 46 - 53.
View Download .pdf

SERPENT Annual Report 2006
Jones, D. O. B., Kaariainen, J. I., Maclaren, E. K. and Gates, A. R.

DEA(e) - The European Drilling Engineering Association. Report on meeting in which Dr. Daniel Jones presented the SERPENT project to a mixture of experts and novices in the various areas of
MPD (Managing Pressure while Drilling).
Hamilton, R.
September 2007.
Download .pdf

Marine Technology Reporter SERPENT - Industry and Academia Team-up to Explore Marine Life in the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Region. Pages 28 - 31.
Benfield, M, Louisiana State University.
September 2007.
Download .pdf

NOCS News Issue 15, SERPENT stars in Royal Society's summer showcase.
Jones, D. O. B., Kaariainen, J. I., Maclaren, E. K.
30 June 2007.

Martime Plymouth Newsletter Project SERPENT is a brilliant scheme!
May 2007.



Marine Scientist Issue 16. Two articles that highlight SERPENT work.
Rigs as Reefs. An article about how oil rigs are providing rich and diverse marine habitats. The article highlights SERPENT's collaboration with the Fisheries Research Services (FRS) and Oceanlab, Aberdeen called the Buzzard project. The team are investigating Nexen's Buzzard field in the North Sea.
ExploreOcean. An article about the new ExploreOcean exhibition at the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth that features a major SERPENT interactive display.
Issue 16

Chevron. 2006 Environmental Values. Public Environmental Report. Conservation Page 18.
Download .pdf

NOCS News Issue 8, New studies in deep Canadian waters for the SERPENT Project.
November 2006

Line Rider Issue 10, Chevron Retirees Association Global Employee eMagazine. Tails of the Deep
Boas, N.
November 2006. Document size 2.85 Mb.
Download .pdf

The BP Magazine Jewels of the deep (Snapshots from the deep). Issue 3. Page 13.
Download .pdf

Oil & Gas Journal New projects develop in Canadian Maritimes.
Rach, N.M.
20 November 2006.

Horizon BP Magazine. Marine research - On the trail of the zombie worm.
Bradbury, J.
November 2006.

Petroleum Africa Using Oil & Gas Industrial Technology to Explore the Deep Seas. SERPENT makes a splash.
Naficy, Y.
October 2006.

The Big Picture Kongsberg magazine. Down-time Science.
Trewern, S.
July 2006.

SERPENT Annual Report 2005
Jones, D. O. B., Kaariainen, J. I., and Maclaren, E. K.

SERPENT project Fact Sheet.
April 2006.
Download .pdf

The Daily Echo Saturday Review. Secrets of the Deep.
Morton, K.
04 March 2006.

Nature Vol. 439. Oil-rig staff get into marine biology.
23 February 2006.
Download .pdf

Planet Earth Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) quarterly magazine. An article that gives an overview of the project together with recent findings and future avenues we plan to explore.
30 January 2006.

IADC Drilling Contractor Science, industry join hands to explore the deep-sea wilderness.
Hsieh, L.
January/February 2006.
Download .pdf



Planet Earth Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) quarterly magazine. What lies beneath?
Maclaren, E.K., Hudson, I, Jones, D.O.B.
Winter 2005.
Download .pdf

Horizon BP Magazine. SERPENT: Deep sea quest makes a big splash. Issue six, Page 36.
Shariatmadari. D.
October 2005.

Trunkline the Woodside Energy Internal Magazine Unravelling secrets of The Deep.
Autumn 2005.
Download .pdf

Harts E & P magazine Sea Quest. When science crosses public/private boundaries, good things can happen.
Duey, R.
April 2005.
Download .pdf

NYSE. New York Stock Exchange magazine. Collaboration Under the Sea. Page 6.
Fones, M.
January/February 2005.
Download .pdf



BP Magazine the international magazine of the BP Group. Issue 1. Secrets of the deep blue sea.
Gill, E.

International Ocean Systems The workhorses leading a new voyage of discovery.
Hudson, I. R.
Download .pdf

The Marine Scientist No. 6, 42-44. Serpent of the seas.
Hudson, I. R and Wigham, B. D.

24 seven (Subsea 7 employee magazine).Dwellers of the deep.
Yarrow, E.
December 2004.

Horizon BP magazine SERPENT article.
01 November 2004. magazine. Deep-sea science gets corporate cooperation.
Grigorov, I.
September 2004.

Lloyd’s List Serpent that coils it way around amazing secrets of the deep.
Wingrove, M.
02 July 2004.
Download .pdf

Underwater Photography magazine Remotely Operated Photography.
Mustard, A.T and Jones D.
01 July 2004.
Download .pdf

Courier North the Total E&P UK Magazine, page 22. The wonder of technology.
Summer 2004.

BP Global Magazine SERPENT Feature.
01 June 2004.

The Sunday Post Monkfish as a predator for cod!!
Campsie, I.
June 2004.
Download .jpg

SERPENT Scene The online quarterly newsletter of the SERPENT project is launched.
April 2004 - Ongoing.

Underwater Contractor Magazine Industry helps science drill for knowledge.
Jones, D.O.B., Hudson, I.
22 February 2004.
Download .pdf

The Press and Journal Aberdeen. Marine scientists get new perspective on life at sea. Page 9.
Lindsay, M.
February 2004.

The Press and Journal Aberdeen. Project excites Blue Planet team. Page 15.
Creswell, J.
February 2004.
Download .pdf

The Daily Mail Single fish, mate. Food for thought as revolutionary cameras reveal new mysteries of the deep.
Thompson, D.
14 February 2004.
Download .pdf

The Scotsman Oil giant and scientists get together to tell a fishy tale.
Urquhart, F.
13 February 2004.

Ocean Zone Marine life ROV project expands oil industry links.
Hudson, I.
Spring 2004.



SERPENT factsheet
Hudson, I. R. and subsea7
Download .pdf

Hartley News University of Southampton Graduate Magazine. Exotic cucumbers of the deep.
Hudson, I.R.
Download .pdf

Aurora Environmental newsletter. SERPENT angler fish image used for BP Schiehallion article.
October 2003

Connexions BP Business Unit magazine, Standby ROVs plumb the depths in subsea scientific research project.
Hudson, I.R., Young, S.
September 2003.

Dolphin (magazine), Southampton University. Exotic cucumbers of the deep.
Hudson, I.R.
Spring 2003.

On Location The Transocean Rig Personnel Publication. Transocean Rigs Assist with Scientific First.
Clarke, R.
February 2003.



24 seven (Subsea 7 employee magazine). Creating a stir in the depths.
Hudson, I. R.

Planet Earth Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) quarterly magazine. Remotely operated cucumbers.
Hudson, I. R.
Winter 2002.
Download .pdf





France 3 documentary "Les Inconnus Des Grands Fonds", about the SERPENT Project, was broadcast in prime time in May 2013 and received excellent ratings. This documentary was a production from GEDEON Programmes / France Televisions / Planète+Thalassa.


Australian ABC TV's national flagship current affairs program "7:30" featured Prof. David Booth and Dr Peter Macreadie commenting on the controversial question of whether Australia’s offshore petroleum structures should be converted into artificial reefs (‘rigs-to-reefs’) and highlighting the importance of the deep sea SERPENT program. Broadcast on Wed 6th July 2011.


BBC 2 Flagship Series "Coast" highlighted the work of SERPENT onboard the Stena Carron in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Broadcast on BBC 2 on 18 and 24 August 2010. Broadcast in HD on BBC HD on 21 Aug 2010.



MB News Russia. Segment in television programme about the work of SERPENT.
Автор Вероника Каминская
Broadcast 2007
View in Russian Download .pdf

BBC 1 programme “The Nature of Britain” with Alan Titchmarsh. SERPENT work featured on Programme 5 “Coastal Britain”.
Broadcast 7 November 2007.

BBC1 Scotland Landward feature on the SERPENT project 07 February 2007 and an Interview with Dr Brian Bett.
Broadcast 11 February.



BBC Natural History Unit Planet Earth documentary series. Footage obtained by SERPENT project used in Episode 11 – Ocean Deep.
Series first broadcast in the UK, 5 March 2006.

TV2 Norwegian TV station. Segment in programme about the work of SERPENT. "Unike bilder av havet".
Eriksen, A.
Broadcast 20 June 2006.
View in Norwegian Download .pdf



BBC Little Geek!! Earth Report.
A new documentary as part of the successful Earth Report series was screened by BBC World around the globe. Going out to over 400 million homes, the documentary describes the SERPENT Project from its beginnings in the UK to its new international collaborations and includes comments from acclaimed movie director James Cameron.
Broadcast 18 July 2005 and again on 27 September 2005. Limited copies available.
Contact us for a copy

BBC South Today "Secrets of the Deep" Ian Hudson was interviewed by Sally Taylor about the SERPENT project.
Broadcast 20 October 2005.
Download Quicktime movie

ITV news Giant Squid raises media interest in the deep ocean.
Following on from the pictures released of the giant squid by Japanese researchers Tsunemi Kubodera and Kyoichi Mori at the end of September 2005, ITV news.ran a report on the findings. Our SERPENT Project Coordinator, Ian Hudson, appeared on the news item.
Broadcast 20 October 2005.
Download Quicktime movie



Grampian TV feature the latest work of the SERPENT project on their "North Tonight" program.
Broadcast 16 January 2004.
Download Flash movie

BBC Scotland SERPENT forum delivers science to oil and gas giants and the Blue Planet team. View the feature.
02 March 2004.
Download Flash movie

BBC news SERPENT team is interviewed for documentary on unusual marine life by BBC news correspondent John McIntyre.
Broadcast 16 February 2004.

BBC Dr Ian Hudson embarks on a 2 week filming mission to the West of Shetland for the BBC Blue Planet series (see 2006).
July 2004.




Radio Scotland 'Out of Doors' interviews Brian Bett.
Broadcast February 2007.



BBC Radio 4 Material World Programme. Brian Bett interviewed.
To hear this broadcast, go to
thematerialworld_20061116.shtml and select “LISTEN AGAIN” under “PROGRAMME INFO”.
Broadcast 16 Nov 2006.



BBC Radio Scotland SERPENT forum in Aberdeen gets BBC blue planet team hooked.




MB News Russia. Online newspaper version of this segment in television programme about the work of SERPENT.
Автор Вероника Каминская
Broadcast 2007.
View in Russian Download .pdf

Aftenposten (The leading newspaper in Norway). Fisk og sjøstjerne bryr seg ikke.
Mathismoen, O.
30 January 2007.
View in Norwegian Download .pdf



The Telegram St John's, NL. SERPENT of the Deep. Transcontinental Media.
Squires. K.
11 December .2006.
Download .pdf

The Packet Clarenville, Newfoundland. SERPENT of the deep: Chevron's exploration finding more than oil.
Squires. K.
04 December 2006.

The Daily Echo Southampton. Saturday Review. Secrets of the Deep.
Morton, K.
04 March 2006.
Download .pdf



Marlab. Fisheries Research Services gains access to ROV technologies through the SERPENT Project
19 July 2004.

Daily Mail (northern edition) has a two-page spread on the SERPENT project.
Thompson, D.
14 February 2004.

The Scotsman has a two-page spread on the SERPENT project.
Urquhart, F.
13 February 2004.




Hurricane Exploration SERPENT is mentioned in Hurricane Exploration corporate summary

Statoil SERPENT is highlighted in biodiversity section of Statoil website

Transocean SERPENT featured on environmental responsibility section of Transocean website


International Oil and Gas Producers Association SERPENT features in OGP report on offshore environmental monitoring for the oil and gas industry.

Roving the Ocean's Depths. In follow up to a presntation at The Hague, Shell report on their collaboration with SERPENT at the South Uist, Gro and Dalsnuten sites. Based on an interview with Andrew Gates.

Charlotte Brookes
5 March 2012




House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee SERPENT referred to in House of Commons Energy and Climate change committee UK Deepwater Drilling report.

UK Deepwater Drilling—Implications of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Second Report of Session 2010–11
Volume 1 View
Volume 2 View

Hurricane Exploration SERPENT featured in 2011 Hurricane Exploration Annual Public Statement.

Hurricane Exploration SERPENT featured in 2011 Hurricane Exploration end of year financial report.




BP SERPENT’s work in the Faroe-Shetland Channel features prominently BP Environmental Statements for:


North Uist

Hurricane Exploration SERPENT featured in 2010 end of year report.

Ingeniøren. Danish online magazine of IDA, the Danish Society of Engineers is a professional body and trade union for technical and scientific professionals. Reports on the recent report about the oarfish filmed by Mark Benfield of Gulf SERPENT in the Gulf of Mexico. Displays footage of a giant oarfish (Regalecus glesne) and a deep-sea manefish (Paracaristius sp.) video.
In Danish 
Daniel Bergsagel
11 February 2010

BBC Earth News. Giant bizarre deep sea fish filmed in Gulf of Mexico. A report on new findings by Mark Benfield of Gulf SERPENT in the Gulf of Mexico. Displays footage of a giant oarfish (Regalecus glesne) and a deep-sea manefish (Paracaristius sp.) video.
Jody Bourton
08 February 2010

Nature News. Online version of an article co-authored by Daniel Jones (SERPENT) and using SERPENT data is reported on Nature News. The article is about the “Global contribution of echinoderms to the marine carbon cycle: a re-assessment of the oceanic CaCO3 budget and the benthic compartments”.
Matt Kaplan
07 January2010



BEACON - Transocean in the Spotlight. "GSF Jack Ryan hosts first SERPENT mission offshore Nigeria".
Issue 2
Summer 2009

Marine Technology Reporter. "Jellies Fast Track Carbon to the Seafloor". MTR picks up the recent publication of the paper "Mass deposition event of Pyrosoma atlanticum carcasses off Ivory Coast (West Africa)" by our own Dr Daniel Jones and Mario Lebrato in the prestigeous Limnology and Oceanography.
National Oceanography Centre
May 2009

Science Daily. "Fast And Efficient As Soon As They Are Dead: Jellyfish-like Creatures May Play Major Role In The Marine Carbon Transport System". The recent paper "Mass deposition event of Pyrosoma atlanticum carcasses off Ivory Coast (West Africa)" in Limnology and Oceanography by Dr Daniel Jones and Mario Lebrato is the subject of an article in the Science Daily.
National Oceanography Centre
May 18 2009

Environmental Research Web. "Jellies fast track carbon to the sea floor". The recent paper "Mass deposition event of Pyrosoma atlanticum carcasses off Ivory Coast (West Africa)" in Limnology and Oceanography by Dr Daniel Jones and Mario Lebrato is the subject of an article in both the web and print editions of the Economist.
National Oceanography Centre
May 14 2009

E-Magazine. Eastern Airways in-flight magazine. "centrefold: BASKET STAR COLONY" and "see deep". Eastern Airways, with routes that cover the UK, France and Norway have printed their latest 2009 in-flight magazine which contains a three-page article by Dr Andrew Gates and Rob Curry about the SERPENT project. Eastern serves the public as well as oil industry employees.
January 2009
View The oilfield information source. What's new in production column. "Spider-Squid and other deepwater discoveries." Vol. 230 No.1
David Michael Cohen, Managing Editor
January 2009



Engineering Talk takes SERPENT news article "Marine (Simulation LLC) supplies ROV simulation to deep sea project"
03 December 2008

National Geographic News. SERPENT project mentioned in article "Alien-like squid with 'Elbows' filmed at drilling site."
Kelly Hearne
24 November 2008

Flickr SERPENT project launches new Flickr account
04 November 2008

YouTube SERPENT project launches new YouTube channel.
04 November 2008.

Discovery Channel Deep Sea News. The 27 Best Deep-Sea Species #20: Swimming Sea Cucumbers. Two images from SERPENT archive head up an article.
12 October 2008.

Marine Technology Reporter SERPENT project joins forces with Autonomous Systems Laboratory
07 October 2008.

Schilling Robotics web site has link to SERPENT image & video database.

StatoilHydro web site features article on Tunza 2008 International Children’s Conference on the Environment and displays a video on the popular SERPENT/StatoilHydro workshop entitled “Deep sea species - what is actually
down there?”.
17 June 2008.

ROVWorld Features article on Tunza Conference,
04 July 2008.

Your Industry News. Serpent project nominated for EU environment award.
21 April 2008

I-Tech7. Intervention Technology web site has details about the SERPENT project.

Minerals management Service (Gulf of Mexico Region), US Department of the Interior. MMS ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES PROGRAM: ONGOING STUDIES. Gulf SERPENT: Establishing a Deepwater Plankton Observation System Using Industrial ROVs.
February 2008.



Statoil SERPENT highlighted as selected Statoil company environmental achievement for 2007

Statoil SERPENT mentioned in 2007 Statoil Annual Report environmental section

Statoil SERPENT in 2007 Statoil Sustainability Report

Statoil SERPENT highlighted in scientific and environmental cooperation section of Statoil website

CAPP (Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers). 2007 CAPP Stewardship Report. Scroll down to CHEVRON CANADA SERPENT DEEP WATER SURVEY report, Run Silent, Run Deep.

AMSA. The Australian Marine Science Association Inc. Media Releases from AMSA Activities. Project SEA SERPENT: Exploring Australia’s Deep Sea through a Partnership with the Oil and Gas Industry.

Nexen. Open the SERPENT Project Update link on this page.
17 November 2007.

Citizens' Environmental Coalition. Transocean receives Synergy Corporate Awareness Award. Mention of Transocean as founding partner of the SERPENT project.
2 November 2007

Lloyd's List. The leading Maritime and Transpost News Portal. A close encounter with the sea’s hidden treasures.
Campbell, H.
19 October 2007.

Ron's ROV Links. Scientists probe underwater life in Orphan Basin. Source: The Oil and Gas Magazine.
19 September 2006.

Oceaneering. Oceaneering Partners with SERPENT.
30 August 2007

Planet Science SERPENT database is recommended website of the week in Planet Science newsletter.
01 June 2007.



Chevron. Chevron Helps Explore for Deepwater Marine Life
18 September 2008

The Biology Refugia. A group blog hosted at the National University of Singapore highlighting ecology, evolution and biodiversity and other aspects of biology. SERPENT project.
18 July 2006.




FRS. Fisheries Research Services. SERPENT project and Nexen enter a three year project. (See abstract below).

NERC/Nexen. Research Study award abstract. The Development of Artificial Reef Structures: Links to Oil and Gas Operations.

Oceanlab. Personal Details page for Dr. Alan Jamieson. Under ROV deployed systems: "In 2005 we designed an ROV deployed incubation system for deep-sea epifauna. The Benthic Incubation System (BICS) was in collaboration with the Serpent Project at NOCS..."

Britain Today. Oceanography Going Deep Down. UK scientist gets oil companies to help marine biologists explore new frontiers in oceanography.
October - November 2005.

KONGSBERG. KONGSBERG sponsors Serpent project image competition
24 October 2005
View a Science, Technology, Physics and Space News website, runs an article about SERPENT.
27 September 2005.

BBC News SERPENT Project featured on BBC News website.
26 September 2005.

Subsea 7. SERPENT forms new alliance. Article about the new collaboration with Louisiana State University.
23 August 2005.



KONGSBERG. KONGSBERG becomes part of the SERPENT Project.
6 October 2004

Marlab. Fisheries Research Services gains access to ROV technologies through the SERPENT Project.
19 July 2004.

Transocean launch new environmental web pages to announce their global support of SERPENT.
23 February 2004.


2003 Original article from the Houston Chronicle. Oil rigs help biologists unlock mystery of ocean life.
4 January 2003
